Monday, November 3, 2008

The Poisonwood Bible: Key Passage Week 7

Passage: “All the little Gods are mad at Jesus right now, and they'd like to hurt one of us if they could. If Jesus doesn't look out. I told Nelson that Jesus is way too big to ride around in a little gree-gree. He is big as a man, with long brown hair and sandals, seize extra-large. Nelson says yes, everybody has figured out that. he is right good size. They've a lot of them started going to hear Father talk about Jesus and figure out what's what. But Nelson says they've got one foot in the door of the church and one foot out. If something bad happens to one of us, out they'll go."

It is interesting how Nathan's opinion about how Jesus looks and what is what is now embedded in everyone's brain. He truly brainwashes them all and shows no compromise in the way people think, for if they are going to follow the religion, they are only going to think these certain things. It makes the religion fake, for religion is about expression and finding ourself within the spirituality of your soul. It is clear how Nathan has no soul, and therefore comes across as a dictator, rather than Reverend. It is also interesting how every person of the tribe has no faith in what they are worshipping. There are no true emtions or faith within them if when as soon as something bad happens, they throw away everything else altogether.

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