Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Poisonwood Bible: Key Passage Week 3

Passage: "Slowly Father raised one arm above his head like one of those gods they had in Roman times, fixing to send down the thunderbolts and the lightening. Everyone looked up at him, smiling, clapping, waving their arms over their heads, bare bosoms and all. Then he began to speak. It was not so much a speech as a rising storm."

This simile that compares Reverend Price to a god demonstrates how powerful he truly is. The simile is extended to compare his sermons and words to lightening and thunder. If you think back to Roman times and their gods, it is clear how their lightening and thunder created fear, establishing power within the people. Reverend Price uses such words to gain the respect and fear from the people in Congo. This simile is extremely meaningful towards the rest book, for it represents how powerful Reverend Price gets and why his family turns from him and this lifestyle